We look forward to cooking with you again this summer. Open ovens will be held most Thursdays 1-3pm and Saturdays 1-2pm. Keep an eye on socials for cancellations.
We are not taking private bookings at this time. See you at the park this summer!

We look forward to cooking with you again this summer. Open ovens will be held most Thursdays 1-3pm and Saturdays 1-2pm. Keep an eye on socials for cancellations.
We are not taking private bookings at this time. See you at the park this summer!
As we prepare to open for 2024, we are not accepting booking requests.
We are building our volunteer base and focusing on scheduling as many regular open ovens as possible.
We are excited to announce that the Park Oven and Community Garden will return from its COVID hiatus in 2024!
We are currently getting our organizational ducks in a row and will have more to share in the coming days.
Stay tuned for updates as we bring back regular open ovens and work gets underway in the garden beds.
We are not currently able to accommodate booking requests as we are still building our volunteer base and want to focus on scheduling as many regular open ovens as possible.
Thank you for your patience and continued support! For those interested in volunteering or getting involved please email hello@dartmouth-oven.com
The Park Avenue Open will be opening for the 2023 Season on July 1! There have been several inquiries about bookings. We are keeping track and will respond once we reach out to our volunteer base to see who is available for those dates. Thanks for your support!
Our small group of volunteers have been working on plans for an oven revival this season.
We will begin with a few set open oven times, expanding access beyond that as plans firm up and capacity increases.
We appreciate your eagerness to get involved and make use of this wonderful community resource.
Please watch this space for updates and trust that we are working towards a return to the vibrant park gatherings we all love!
🔥 🍕 🌳
Covid-19 Update: The Park Oven is not open yet and we do not have immediate plans to reopen this season.
But the situation is fluid. We are exploring options as things continue to evolve. The safety of our volunteers, student interns, and visitors is paramount to us.
Our community garden and orchard have resumed operations.
When/if circumstances allow us to reopen the Park Oven, we will let you know here.
Stay safe 🔥🍕❤
Teachers from Hawthorn Elementary School present PACO with a $300 donation. L to R – Teachers Pat Power, Cindy Coffin-Were, Bernie (PACO Coordinator), Angela Hayes and Mary Hall
Recently, students, teachers and some parents from Hawthorn Elementary School in Dartmouth made a visit to the Park Avenue Community Oven. Over the course of a morning and afternoon, the entire school came out to bake bannock in the oven as part of their end of year celebrations.
We could not be more thrilled to hear about the great time these civic-minded students had baking bannock in the oven.
The school also took up a collection for the community oven and were able to raise over $300! That is enough money to provide firewood for every event at the oven for the next 2 months!
Generous community backing such as this more easily allows the Park Oven to continue to offer our inclusive venue for the enjoyment of citizens and visitors of our neighbourhood. We appreciate Hawthorn’s commitment to our next generation and for supporting volunteer organizations such as our own.
Have you visited the oven and have a story to share? Drop us a note at paco@dartmouth-oven.com. We would love to hear from you!
There was once a dream that was baking bread in the Park Oven, you could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish.
Well, the dream has finally come true.
Starting, Sunday, June 30th we will be setting aside a dedicated time once a month to bake bread in the oven. Having a dedicated time is extremely important as the ideal temperature and configuration of the oven for baking is vastly different than during our regular Open Oven (which caters to the cooking of pizza at extremely high temperatures).
Head over to our Open Bread page to find out all the details!
Our 2019 summer interns, Olivia and Kate.
We’ve had so many people ask about when this would be back that we are excited to finally announce the return of our popular Thursday Open Oven for the 2019 season.
12 to 3 pm every Thursday until the end of August our summer interns Olivia and Kate will be lighting and hosting Open Oven.
Thank you to the Downtown Dartmouth Business Commission for sponsoring this great summer activity for the 4th year!
Want to know more? Check out our Open Oven page.