On Saturday, May 2nd PACO will host our first Open Oven of the season. After a long (lonnnnnng) winter we’re excited to kick off another season of baking in the park. During a recent inspection of the oven Tim confirmed what many of us suspected – our crack has grown. While it’s been around since the beginning, the little crack has grown into a bit of a structural problem. Together with/because of the shifting brick archway, it’s looking more and more like we’ll have to do some repair/rebuilding work this season. Likely a rebuild of the dome portion of the oven. Given that this work requires warmer, drier weather, we’re tentatively planning for an early-June start to this work. Until then we plan to host our weekly burns and accommodate any booking requests we receive. Watch for more information about June’s schedule and an update on the dome work. The oven should be ready for baking by noon this Saturday. As usual, we welcome everyone interested in baking to come out between 12 and 3. See you in the park!